Maine Shrimp Casserole

Maine Shrimp Casserole

Maine shrimp isn’t readily available in downtown Nottingham, so I had to make this with Atlantic prawns. So technically, I suppose it isn’t a Maine Shrimp Casserole, but the recipe is from Maine. Does that count? Maine shrimp are usually caught in the Spring, and unlike the more familiar grey, they are a rosy pink-red…

Chicken and Butternut Stew

The weather has taken a colder turn again this week, and the ground has been covered in frost all day. What better way is there to finish the day than a nice warming stew. This chicken stew is made extra special by the addition of warming cumin, that adds a mouthwatering fragrance to the dish….

Corn and Cheese Chowder

If you are anything like me, when it is cold outside you crave comfort food. If this is the case, then the following dinner will hit the spot! Be warned however, like most comfort food, it’s heavy on the calories. Corn (or sweetcorn) chowder is a well known and simple dish, but here it is…

Chicken and Chorizo with Pesto and Mozzarella

It is not often that Mr Madnad makes the dinner. It isn’t that he can’t cook – far from it, as he makes a mean chilli con carne. But even he would be the first to admit he perhaps isn’t as interested in cooking as I am. He is, however, always happy to act as…

Mini Pepperami Pizza

Mini Pepperami Pizzas are perfect finger food for a festive soiree, or in this case, an office fuddle. To save time, you can make the dough the night before and let it prove overnight in the fridge. The cool of the fridge will retard the dough, and it will prove slowly. This is a good…