Moroccan Lamb Mince Tagine_sq

Guest Post: Moroccan Lamb Mince Tagine

Today’s guest post is from Sam Strong, husband of the lovely Charlotte, writer, reader, climber, and self-confessed nerd. ~ ~ ~ ~ There are few things that can’t be improved by putting an egg on them, and Moroccan lamb mince tagine is no exception. I’ve no idea what prompted this idea, but a quick search…

feta stuffed lamb meatballs

Guest Post: Feta Stuffed Lamb Meatballs

This guest post is from the beautiful Charlotte Strong – fantasy writer, librarian, climber and walker.  I can’t wait to make this myself as it sounds wonderful. This recipe is made even more awesome by the fact she used the word ‘crozzled’. Is that even a word? If not, it should be. ~ ~ ~…

Banana and Toffee Pecan Loaf

You know that way when you buy some bananas and they are a little green still, so you place them in a fruit bowl to ripen for a few  days. You return in a few days, only to discover you somehow skipped over that one day when they are perfect, and the skin is now…

Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble

Spring, once it properly arrives, brings with it the first fruits. Early Rhubarb and Strawberries appearing in the garden is always cause for celebration, and what better way to use them than in this traditional British dessert – the crumble. The crumble originated in the second world war, as a quicker, easier alternative to pastry,…

Review: Cupcake Decorating Lab

Despite their popularity, I don’t make a lot of cupcakes. It’s not that I don’t like them – I adore them – but if I am honest, its too small a canvas for me. I love decorating cakes, and the flexibility that offers. When I look at a cupcake, my decorating mind goes blank, so…

Dorito Crusted Chicken Fingers

Today was World Baking Day. The theme behind this campaign was to get people to bake something they had not baked before. The website leaned heavily (entirely) towards the sweet rather than savoury, I bake sweet things all the time. I also bake savoury things all the time. However, in the spirit of the day,…