Chicken and Corn Chowder

For me, autumn is my favourite time of year. I love the changing colours, the crisp sunny mornings, hot chocolate, thick socks, bonfires, and comfort food. Gone are the salads and bright colours of summer. Autumnal food is pies, stews and soups. One of my favourite types of stew is a chowder. Packing it full…

Spiced Pumpkin Layer Cake

Spiced Pumpkin Layer Cake

Another year, and another birthday. I had adamantly said that I would not make my own cake like last year, but that went out the window when I spotted Tescos were selling Libby’s Pumpkin Purée. Previously, I have had to order this online and pay extortionately, but now it is much easier to explore my…


All About Butter

History Regional Differences European USA Types of butter Sweet cream Cultured Clarified Ghee Spreadable Make Your Own Butter History Butter’s origins go back about 10,000 years to the time when our ancestors first began domesticating animals. The earliest butter would have been made from sheep or goat’s milk; cattle weren’t domesticated for another thousand years….

Old-fashioned Cherry and Vanilla Pie

I imagine most of you are enjoying this prolonged stretch of hot weather, but I am one of the few that doesn’t particularly enjoy the heat. I have to confess, I am relishing the thought of autumn. There is one thing that summer has that is welcome however, and that is summer fruit! Before the…

Review: Macarons by Mowie Kay

Before I start this review, here is an informative graphic, just so that we are all on the same page. I recently reviewed Mowie Kay’s Easy To Make Doughnuts, and one of the things that I was most taken by was the beautiful photographs within. Kay has not disappointed with this book either. There is…

Oat and Raisin Cookies

Oat and Raisin Cookies

I love a good oat and raisin cookie, but I am very particular. It HAS to be spiced just right, it HAS to be thick and chewy, and the raisins HAVE to be moist. I think this recipe ticks all the boxes. There is a subtle hint of richness from the cinnamon and the little…