Raspberry Iced Tea

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I have a lovely friend who lives in Tennessee, and she has recently been extolling the virtues of iced tea during this uncommonly warm spell we are having at the moment. Now, I am very British, and I will normally only drink my tea hot, no sugar, and with a splash of milk. That being said, I have a glut of raspberries from the garden, and I heard that you could flavour iced tea with fruit. This appeals to me.

I have to say, now that I have tried it, I am a convert. It is delightfully tart, a hint of sweetness, and very very refreshing.

Raspberry Iced Tea


  • 2l Water
  • 5 Tea Bags
  • 180g Gramulated Sugar
  • 600g Raspberries
  • 60ml Water


1. Heat 1 litre of water in a pan until its boiled
2. Remove from the heat. Add in the sugar and stir until dissolved
3. Add in the tea bags, and leave to steep for 8-10 minutes
4. Remove the tea bags and add in the other litre of water. Put aside to cool.
5. In another saucepan, heat the raspberries with the 60ml of water, and bring to the boil
6. Reduce heat, and simmer for 3 minutes
7. Strain and discard the pulp. Add the juice to the tea, and serve in chilled glasses over ice


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