Creepy Cupcakes

A sweet addition to the Halloween buffet. I made some deliciously moist Red Velvet Cupcakes. Red Velvet is a chocolate sponge, slightly sharp with buttermilk, and coloured a vivid red. Instead of the traditional cream-cheese frosting that usually accompanies red velvet, these cupcakes, sat in pretty purple cases, were frosted with an orange buttercream, and…

Eyeball Cookies

Eyeball Cookies

These iced sugar cookies are given a spooky touch by adding a eyeball rice paper topper. I used a cookie cutter shaped as a rugby ball/American football on the basic sugar cookie recipe below. After the royal icing set, I popped the rice paper topper on top. If are artistic and have the time, you…

Slimy worms in a bun

Slimy Worms in a Bun

An excellent addition to your Halloween buffet – but be warned – some cause nausea! In fact, my husband took one look at these and said he couldn’t face eating one, even though he loves hotdogs! Take a packet of cold hot dogs. With a sharp knife, cut length ways, then cut each length again…

Witches Fingers

Witches’ Fingers

A brilliant accompaniment to a Bloody Eyeball Soup or as part of your Halloween buffet. Make up a batch of the Pretzel recipe below. Instead of forming them into the common pretzel shape, form them into small sausages, slightly longer then your longest finger. Boil in water and bicarbonate of soda as normal, then place…

Candy Corn Cookies

Candy Corn Cookies

I am gearing up for Halloween, and my Halloween themed baking starts off with some Candy Corn Cookies. For these, I have used my basic Sugar Cookie recipe. I also added a squirt of honey to try and replicate the flavour of candy corn. Ensure that you use gel or paste food colouring, and not…

Candy Corn Fudge

Candy Corn Fudge

I recently bought some American confectionery from online. As well as just munching them straight from the packet (let’s try and not to think about the calories), I thought I would try and take the opportunity to include them in some of my baking. When I was thinking of sweet treats to take into the…