Pumpkin Spice Mini Fudgers

Autumn and Halloween arrive in the Store

As soon as the first of September arrives, my thoughts turn to autumn, and my favourite holiday, Halloween. In the store today, we say goodbye to the Summer and BBQ themed Baker’s Dozens, and say hello to Autumn and Halloween themed sets.  We also have a new limited edition flavour – Pumpkin Spice! All cookies…

pizza cookies

New Product: Pizza Cookies

We are very pleased to announce the launch of a new product – pizza cookies! We’ve all heard of dessert pizzas or chocolate pizzas, now we are offering you cookie pizzas. For each order, you get two 7″ cookie pizzas hand decorated with royal icing, each cut into six good sized ‘slices’, so you get…

BBQ bakers dozen

New Product: BBQ Themed Baker’s Dozen

The Graduation themed Baker’s Dozen has been retired and replaced with a BBQ themed one. Holiday themes are a bit thin on the ground at this time of year, so we took the decision to fill the gap with a BBQ themed set. The long days, frosty beverages and good friends are the perfect ingredients…

competition to win graduate themed baker's dozen

Competition! WIN a Graduation Theme Baker’s Dozen

Last weekend, we launched the Graduation theme Baker’s Dozen. We feel that anyone graduating – whether that be from high school, University, or someone taking night classes while juggling a full time job or family – should be rewarded. Because of this, we decided to run a competition to let you nominate one lucky graduate…

Graduation Baker's Dozen

New Product: Graduation themed Baker’s Dozen

It is Graduation time of year! We have retired the Father’s Day cookies to make room for our new Graduation themed Baker’s Dozen. If you missed out this year and you are still looking for a gift, you can always order a Summer themed Baker’s Dozen and customise the text. Alternatively, you could buy Dad a…

Father's Day Cookies

Time is running out for Father’s Day Baker’s Dozen

If you want to order one of our Father’s Day Baker’s Dozen, time is running out! Instead of the usual tie, slippers or pair of socks, why not buy your dad them in cookie form? This will only be available to order until Saturday (9th) to allow for baking, decorating and posting. Remember, all our…