Squash and bacon risotto

Roasted Squash and Bacon Risotto

Risotto is one of those dishes I usually order at a restaurant than make at home. Why? Anyone that has spent time making a risotto knows that they involve a lot of work. You have to toast the rice in butter, keep the stock warm, add stock little at a time and stir constantly. This is…

Chicken and Asparagus Pasta

Chicken and Asparagus Pasta

When looking for inspiration of which vegetable to include in my dinners, I like to pick ones that are seasonal and work from there. At the moment, British asparagus is at its best. It works well with most meat or fish dishes, and is almost made to accompany my favourite meat, chicken. It is versatile…

squash and pancetta pasta

Squash and Pancetta Pasta

Squash is one of the most under rated vegetables. If you are looking for something tasty, nutritious and low fat, then you can’t go wrong with squash. We grow a fair amount here in the UK, yet it seems our supermarkets only seem to stock butternut squash, or the odd pumpkin around Halloween. Farmers markets…

Mac And Cheese With Bacon And Mushroom

Some friends had been on holiday in the States for the past few weeks, and were due home around lunch time Sunday. I figured they would be exhausted after their long flight and rail journey and would appreciate an easy dinner that they could just chuck in the oven. I also had a busy day…

Polish Pierogies

I can’t remember when I first had pierogies, but I know that I have been a fan of them ever since. I am fortunate enough to live in a town that has a polish supermarket, so they are easy to get hold off. I decided that it was probably about time I had a go…

Chicken Parmigiana

While planning this weekend’s meals, this little number jumped right to the front of the queue. It is probably my favourite go-to meal whenever I go to an Italian restaurant, but I occasionally like to do my own twist at home. I have tweaked and poked and added to it until it suits my palate….