Yorkshire Rascals

Yorkshire Rascals

The rascal, or fat rascal, has been around since the 1800’s. Originating in Yorkshire, this fruit packed treat bares a close resemblance to a scone or rock cake. It is traditionally decorated with plain blanched almond and glacé cherries, but I like to put my own spin on it. I use Morello glacé cherries, as I…

Rum and Raisin Chocolate Tiffin

Chocolate Tiffin is the ideal treat to make if you are not confident about baking because there isn’t any actual baking involved. The other great thing about it is you can more or less put in what you want. There are core ingredients (chocolate, butter, golden syrup, digestives) but the other ingredients you can switch…

eggnog fudge truffles

Eggnog Fudge Truffles

This recipe was originally developed to go in my 2015 Christmas Edible Gift hamper. This one was a new fudge flavour for me. I figured that since Eggnog is largely cream, one of the main components of fudge, that it would work very well. It did. Using ready made eggnog is easier, but you can…

Gingerbread Iced Christmas Wreath cookies

2015 Christmas Hamper round up

Yes, I know it’s February, but I decided to take some time off over the festive season to recharge the old batteries. While much of the northern hemisphere has been under a blanket of snow, Nottingham is under it’s usual grey clouds. Temperatures are strangely mild for the season. We had some proper wintery weather,…

Whisky Fudge

Whisky Fudge

Or Whiskey Fudge if you’re American. They like the unnecessary e 😉 I did a post a few days ago all about the art (and science) of making fudge. As I said there, I am still learning, but the satisfying texture and flavour of fudge makes the time – and it can be quite time…

vanilla and rose Mothers Day cookies

Vanilla and Rose Cookies for Mother’s Day

While Mother’s Day in the US started in the early 1900’s and was made popular thanks to greeting card company, Hallmark, here in the UK, it has a much older origin. During the 16th century, people would return to their mother church on the fourth Sunday in Lent. People in domestic service were given the…