Maple Pecan Pie

This weekend I met up with a bunch of friends. We had, what I believe was known as, a potluck. Not a term I was entirely familiar with, but essentially, everyone contributes a different dish to be shared among the group. I believe in local Nottinghamshire parlance, it’s often referred to as a fuddle. I…

Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble

Spring, once it properly arrives, brings with it the first fruits. Early Rhubarb and Strawberries appearing in the garden is always cause for celebration, and what better way to use them than in this traditional British dessert – the crumble. The crumble originated in the second world war, as a quicker, easier alternative to pastry,…

pumpkin pie

Pumpkin Pie

Sadly, due to the inclement weather this year, my squash patch was pretty much a wash out. The incessant rain caused mold on the broad leaves, and any budding squash was soon munched on by the army of slugs and snails that invaded my garden this year. I was devastated, my grand plans of producing…

toffee apple crumble pie

Toffee Apple Crumble Pie

I have several batches of toffee apple pie filling in the freezer, and I took one out yesterday and couldn’t make my mind up whether to make a pie, or a crumble. As I had some left over pastry, I decided to go for a pie … that was until I realised I only had…

Apple Galette with Toffee Sauce

A galette, in French cuisine means flat, round or free-form crusty cakes. This simple but effective dessert utilizes that marvelous stuff known as pre-made puff pastry, that can make many a dessert or savoury treat look special. If you are feeling particularly creative then go ahead and make your own puff pastry. I however, feel…